Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Diabetes and Burning Feet

Q: Ginny,

My husband has trouble with his feet, not horrible trouble though. He complains of them being like they are on fire on the top of them. He also says that they feel like the circulation is weird. He has a family history of diabetes, his dad takes medication for his and so does his sister. Do we need to be concerned about this problem? His shoes bother him because of the heat. Usually rubbing and massaging them helps but he is always complaining about this.

A: Yes, please be concerned about your husband's feet.

His physician can test his fasting glucose to see if his fasting glucose is 126 or higher and diabetes can be diagnosed. If the test is normal, his physician may ask him to complete a glucose tolerance test; a test that will watch what your husband's body does with 75 grams of glucose. Does your husband see a podiatrist, a specialist who deals with feet? Between your husband's physician and a poditrist hopefully some treatment will begin soon and be successful. ginny


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Who Is Ginny?

Ginny Burns is a local nurse who has worked with people who have diabetes for the last 20 years. She is credited with years of dedication to the American Diabetes Association and Utah Association of Diabetes Educators. She also brings the invaluable experience of having Type 1 diabetes for 39 years which makes her a unique resource to answer your questions.