Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nutrition & Diabetes

Q: I am a 50 yr old male and I have had type 2 for about 2 yrs.

I would like to know if there are classes locally that discuss diet. Specifically guidelines, portion size shortcuts to help me get the suggested amounts of vegetables fruits etc.

I really want to be able to ask questions about my personal situation because I have some other health concerns as well, so the online stuff is kind of frustrating because it all seems to be so general in nature. I live in the Millcreek area. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, D

A: D….You bet there is. I am going to suggest seeing a dietician one-on-one so you can ask all the questions that you need to ask first.

Classes will certainly give you a lot of information and you will probably want to take a class too, but because you are frustrated and have many specific questions, I think a one-on-one appointment would be the place to start.

In the Millcreek area, there are several sites that may work for an appointment with a dietician: St. Mark's Hospital, University of Utah Diabetes Center and Memorial Clinic. Check with your insurance carrier to see which site would be covered. You will learn so much that will help you.

good luck, ginny

Who Is Ginny?

Ginny Burns is a local nurse who has worked with people who have diabetes for the last 20 years. She is credited with years of dedication to the American Diabetes Association and Utah Association of Diabetes Educators. She also brings the invaluable experience of having Type 1 diabetes for 39 years which makes her a unique resource to answer your questions.