Monday, January 10, 2011

Blood Sugar & Insulin

Q: Hi. It seems my blood sugar stays about the same, even though I have increased my insulin gradually over the past year.  I am frustrated and wonder why it isn't responding. 
A: This is a frustrating problem.  There are some things  to consider.  How high are your blood sugar readings?  What insulin are you using to bring the readings down? How much has the insulin dose changed over the past year?

Often using just a long lasting insulin will work to bring the blood sugar readings in range.  Sometimes if the blood sugar readings are 140-200 range,  increasing the dose by 1-2 units a week, gradually brings the readings into a more normal range without overdoing it.   Often when the readings are running higher, increasing the long lasting insulin by 3 units every 3 days usually brings the readings in range in a week or so.  Keeping very close track of the blood sugar readings when you start taking insulin or change the dose, helps to make sure the amount is correct.  Each body has different needs and our blood sugar readings let us know if our medications are helping the way they should.  If your readings continue to be high the type of medication and the dose you are taking may not be correct.   Your body may now need the help of another medication or a change in the amount of insulin you are taking. 

Please contact your doctor or diabetes nurse educator to let them know that the dose and the instructions you were given are not working.  They may also have some additional ideas about other lifestyle changes that may help your blood sugar readings too.  Please also discuss how frustrated you are. 

Please let us know what happens.  ginny

Who Is Ginny?

Ginny Burns is a local nurse who has worked with people who have diabetes for the last 20 years. She is credited with years of dedication to the American Diabetes Association and Utah Association of Diabetes Educators. She also brings the invaluable experience of having Type 1 diabetes for 39 years which makes her a unique resource to answer your questions.