Q: Dear Ginny,
I have a Brother-in-law who is at least 300 pounds that he's Diabetic. His Doctor told him to have 75 carbs per meal, and because of that he's gained 15 pounds in a short time.'
I also have a brother who also is Diabetic and although he wasn't that heavy, his Doctor told him to have 35 carbs per meal, he's lost about 40 pounds and is doing well.
I believe my Son-in-law is eating too many Carbs. Am I right or do you think this is correct?
Thank you
A: L., It is so very hard to give specific advice when I have not seen your son-in-law.
If he has gained 15 pounds in a very short time, he wants to be sure and check in with his physician and make sure that the weight gain is not a side effect of any medication he is taking. If the weight gain is not caused by medication, overall calorie intake may be the cause. He may be eating more food than his body needs.
Blood sugar levels are most often affected by carbohydrate intake. If blood sugars are high, we usually ask patients to look very closely at the number and kinds of carbohydrates they are eating. When patients begin to decrease very processed carbohydrates in favor of whole grains, they decrease fat and salt intake as well. This often begins to make a difference with their weight.
I will ask a friend of the Ask Ginny site, Lisa Loertscher, a dietician, to look at your letter and see if she has additional information to add.